Relation of deformation behavior with precipitation and groundwater of the Babaoshan fault in Beijin

来源 :Acta Seismologica Sinica(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shadao
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We discuss the influence of precipitation and groundwater on the deformation behavior of the Babaoshan fault of Beijing by using long-term observation data from Dahuichang station during 1970~2003. The results show that a) the pore pressure on fault zone as well as the fault deformation behavior exhibited periodically variation as pre-cipitation changed steadily and periodically; b) the periodicity of the pore pressure of fault zones disappeared and the manner of fault deformation behavior changed when precipitation was small and/or was in aberrance. This implies that rainfall plays a key role in fault deformation behavior through changing the pore pressure of fault zones. Combining the existing results about the Babaoshan fault, it is concluded that precipitation and groundwater may adjust the stress/strain field by controlling the deformation behavior of the fault, which can provide direct observation evidence for the interaction of fluid and solid in shallow crust of the Earth. We discuss the influence of precipitation and groundwater on the deformation behavior of the Babaoshan fault of Beijing by using long-term observation data from Dahuichang station during 1970 ~ 2003. The results show that a) the pore pressure on fault zone as well as the fault deformation behaviorcopic will stead as as-cipitation changed steadily and periodically; b) the periodicity of the pore pressure of fault zones disappeared and the manner of fault deformation behavior changed when precipitation was small and / or was in aberrance. This implies that rainfall plays a key role in fault deformation behavior through changing the pore pressure of fault zones by controlling the existing results about the Babaoshan fault, it is concluded that precipitation and groundwater may adjust the stress / strain field which may can provide direct observation evidence for the interaction of fluid and solid in shallow crust of the Earth.
患者男性,42岁.因活动后心慌、乏力4年,于2003年4月16日入院.查体:口唇紫绀,心率86次/min,律齐,各瓣膜听诊区未闻及杂音,双肺呼吸音清.可见杵状指趾.心电图检查示心房纤维颤动.心脏超声检查示:右心房内低回声团块,基底宽,与房间隔相连,活动度小,边缘清晰(图1). 外周血血红蛋白215 g/L,红细胞计数6.69×1012/L.诊断为右心房肿瘤并红细胞增多症,心功能Ⅲ级。
长年坚持不懈锻炼,使65岁高龄的吴冠华老当益壮。就是在寒冷的隆冬,他依然是一件薄衣,而且早晚洗冷水澡……种花置景,既是老吴的爱好,也是他的健身之道。 Years of unremitt
诺贝尔的自传 诺贝尔成名以后,他的哥哥卢德卫要他写自传,他先是不肯从命,后来迫不得已,只好写道: “爱弗莱·诺贝尔——他那可怜的生命,当他呱呱落地时,本可断送于仁慈医生之手。主