Background Scares A seizure is a seizure induced by sudden unpredictable stimuli. The predisposing factors are mainly sudden acoustic stimuli, proprioception and a few visual stimuli may also induce seizures. “Scared ” as a result of an unexpected sudden stimulus, as a trigger, is the link between the stimulus and the attack. 2001 international epilepsy classification program will be scared of epilepsy as a syndrome of reflex epilepsy. Most patients with this syndrome have symptomatic epilepsy. Etiology, abnormal brain structure, clinical seizure types and EEG features often vary greatly. Scared seizures are relatively rare, the relevant research is mainly a case report. Tibussek et al. Recently reported the symptoms and electrophysiological features of 22 patients with scototic epilepsy. This article summarizes the clinical features and electrophysiological characteristics of 11 patients with seizure-induced epilepsy.