In order to improve the metallurgical properties of pellets, the metallurgical properties of the pellets containing MgO were investigated. The effects of different MgO addition methods on pelletizing were analyzed. The results showed that the RDI + 3.15 of the pellets increased from 62.2% to about 75% for MgO-containing pellets and the content of magnesia increased from 0.6% to 1.8%. The reduction RI was from 34 % To 45% -53% (900 ℃ for 1h), the reduction swelling index RSI (reduction degree 40%) decreased from 23% to about 20%, and the reflow temperature increased obviously and the metallurgical properties improved. It is believed that the way to increase the content of magnesia should be magnesite or MgO concentrate powder, to avoid adding dolomite.