20 0 0年 1 2月 1 9- 2 0日 ,中国会计学会“中国特色的会计理论与方法体系”专业委员会在北京召开专题研讨会 ,来自全国各地的 40余位专家学者参加了会议。研讨会上 ,财政部会计司司长、中国会计学会“中国特色的会计理论与方法体系”专业委员会主任冯淑萍教授作了专题报告 ,
From January 1 to February 20, 2001, the Chinese Accounting Association’s “Accounting Theory and Method System with Chinese Characteristics” special committee held a special seminar in Beijing. More than 40 experts and scholars from all over the country attended the conference. During the seminar, Prof. Feng Shuping, director of the Accounting Department of the Ministry of Finance and director of the Professional Committee of Accounting Theory and Methodology with Chinese Characteristics, made a special report.