临床资料患者,女,10岁。因“间断胸痛10余天”于2011年11月14日入我院儿科。患者主诉无明显诱因出现右侧胸痛,以大笑及深吸气时胸痛明显,无发热、无咳嗽和喘憋,家长给予口服阿奇霉素、蒲地兰消炎口服液、索密痛等药物治疗,疼痛缓解,在院外行胸部X线片检查示:右肺肺炎,未给予治疗。入我院后再次出现胸痛,症状同前。入院查体:体温36.5℃,脉搏90次/分,呼吸28次/分,血压100/70 mm Hg。
Clinical data, female, 10 years old. Because of “intermittent chest pain for more than 10 days” on November 14, 2011 into our hospital pediatrics. Patients complained of no obvious incentive to appear on the right side of the chest pain, chest pain and laughter deep inspiration was obvious, no fever, no cough and wheezing, parents give oral azithromycin, pueraland anti-inflammatory oral liquid, somlyache and other drug treatment, pain relief In the hospital line of chest X-ray examination showed: right lung pneumonia, no treatment. Into our hospital again after chest pain, the same symptoms. Admission examination: body temperature 36.5 ℃, pulse 90 beats / min, breathing 28 beats / min, blood pressure 100/70 mm Hg.