Solar cell performance improvement via photoluminescence conversion of Si nanoparticles

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Photoluminescence (PL) conversion of Si nanoparticles by absorbing ultraviolet (UV) lights and emitting visible ones has been used to improve the efficiency of crystalline Si solar cells. Si nanoparticle thin films are prepared by pulverizing porous Si in ethanol and then mixing the suspension with a SiO2 sol-gel (SOG). This SOG is spin-deposited onto the surface of the Si solar cells and dries in air. The short-circuit current as a function of Si nanoparticle concentration is investigated under UV illumination. The maximal increase is found at a Si concentration of 0.1 mg/mL. At such concentration and under the irradiation of an AM0 solar simulator, the photoelectric conversion efficiency of the crystalline Si solar cell is relatively increased by 2.16% because of the PL conversion.
We present experimental and numerical investigations of high-energy mid-infrared filamentation with multi-octave-spanning supercontinuum generation (SCG), pumped by a 2.4 μm, 250 fs Cr:ZnSe chirped-pulse laser amplifier. The SCG is demonstrated in both an
研究了在卫星上太阳光扫过太阳辐射监测仪视场期间,太阳入射角的时间变化函数和在这种变角入射情况下辐射计接收腔的温度响应情况以及测量太阳辐照度的观测角变化修正问题。太阳辐射监测仪上的绝对辐射计是在腔上接收辐射功率发生微小变化的情况下,关闭快门进行电功率定标获得太阳辐射照度的,将腔接收辐射功率的这种微小变化作为角度修正因子对太阳辐照值进行了修正。风云三号卫星上两年来测得的2×104多组数据进行这种观测角变化修正后,获得的太阳常数值为1368±4 W/m2。其不确定度为0.3%,同世界气象组织推荐的公认值1367
从损耗角度分析了影响非线性光纤器件性能的因素。讨论了插入损耗、回波损耗和固有损耗随入射光功率的变化规律。当在高功率情况下,受激布里渊散射(SBS)会导致非线性光纤的插入损耗随注入光功率线性增加,其斜率与SBS转换效率有关。比较了高非线性光纤缠绕在不同半径线盘时损耗的变化,以及它对SBS阈值和四波混频转换效率的影响。研究表明,高非线性光纤采用直径为7 cm的线盘缠绕时基本上不会影响非线性光纤器件的性能,这为设计沿光纤轴向提供磁场的螺绕环装置提供了重要参考,对下一步开展非线性磁光光纤特性的研究也有指导意义。
We present a design for tunable directional beaming through a subwavelength metallic double slit surrounded by dielectric surface-relief gratings. On-axis and off-axis beaming can be switched by controlling the incident angle to asymmetrically excite surf