药西瓜自2005年在昌吉州地区引种栽培以来,于2009年在昌吉州玛纳斯县引种成功,并由多年生性状驯化为一年生,其药材性状符合《中华人民共和国卫生部药品标准—维吾尔药分册》中药西瓜标准(WS3-BW-0068-98)。同时,该品种产量较高,一般水肥条件可产干药材86 kg/667 m2,同时,本品种还具有病虫害少,管理粗放的特点。
Since introduced and cultivated in Changji Prefecture in 2005, medicine watermelon was successfully introduced in Manasi County, Changji Prefecture in 2009 and was domestically transformed into annual by perennial traits. Its medicinal properties conform to the standards of the People’s Republic of China Ministry of Health Drug Standards - Uyghur Medicine "Chinese medicine watermelon standard (WS3-BW-0068-98). At the same time, the higher yield of the variety, the general conditions of water and fertilizer can produce dried herbs 86 kg / 667 m2, at the same time, the species also has less pests and diseases, extensive management features.