文献认为 ,经济状况是影响健康教育传播效果的因素之一[1] 。在这一理论的指导之下 ,我们对海安县恶性肿瘤健康教育基线调查资料 ,进行了经济收入对居民肿瘤相关知识、态度、行为影响的探索性研究 ,现报道如下。材料和方法在海安县 (总人口 98.9万 ) 35个乡镇中 ,按分层整群抽
Literature believes that the economic situation is one of the factors that affect the effectiveness of health education communication [1]. Under the guidance of this theory, we conducted an exploratory study on the baseline survey data of health education of malignant tumors in Hai’an County, and conducted an exploratory study on the influence of economic income on the knowledge, attitude and behavior of residents on cancer. Materials and Methods In Hai’an County (with a total population of 989,000), 35 townships were grouped by stratification