
来源 :华中师范大学研究生学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:socheapke
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治理理论侧重于政府、市场、公民社会三个载体来管理国家与社会事务。在一定程度上,我国的官僚体制、权力的运作机制、行政管理的运作规律等方面和西方国家有很大共性,这就决定了西方先进国家在公共服务民营化方面的成功经验可以为我国的改革所借鉴。本文从我国民营化的理论生成依据、内部动力机理、外部促进机制三个维度透析我国实行公共服务民营化的动因。 Governance theory focuses on three carriers: government, market and civil society to manage state and social affairs. To a certain extent, the bureaucratic system in our country, the operating mechanism of power and the operating rules of administrative management have much in common with western countries, which determines the successful experience of the advanced western countries in the privatization of public services. Reference for reform This paper analyzes the motivation of privatization of public service in our country from the three aspects of the theory of privatization, the internal motivation mechanism and the external promotion mechanism.
本文介绍了轨道龙门吊的啃轨现象,对其原因进行了全方面的分析,并提出了相应的解决措施。 This paper introduces the phenomenon of gnawing on track gantry crane, analy
目的 阐述中国儿童慢性特发性血小板减少性紫癜(CITP)发病规律及治疗反应等一系列特点,有助于国内和国际有关儿童CITP的研究.方法回顾性分析472例慢性ITP儿童的临床资料,系统评价其疾病自然史以及治疗的反应等.结果 472例患儿主要的出血表现为紫癜(430例,91.1%),有2例患儿(男女各一)发生颅内出血.324例接受了一线治疗,有效率为58.9%;一线治疗以激素治疗疗效最为显著.216例接