在健康意识不断增强的现代社会,人们都在追求健美和长寿,这就要在日常中注意一些生活细节,尤其是男性一般比较粗心,更有必要提醒男人们,小事不小,积弱成强,健康长寿就是要从小事做起。 其一、不干不净吃了不会没病。男性一般出门在外的机会比较多,有时难免要上饭店或在路边摊吃些东西,有的人就常常不管三七二十一,见了食物伸手就抓,洗不洗手照样吃,就象老人言
In the modern society where the health awareness is constantly increasing, people are pursuing bodybuilding and longevity. This requires paying attention to details of daily life. Men are generally more careless. It is even more necessary to remind men that small things and weakenings are strong , Health and longevity is to start from a small thing. First, it does not matter if you eat it or not. Men generally have more opportunities to go out, sometimes inevitably have to eat in the hotel or street vendors to eat something, and some people often regardless of thirty-seven twenty-one, see the food reach out to catch, do not wash your hands still eat, just like The old man said