
来源 :中华疾病控制杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lovely_fox
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有害饮酒可增加某些传染性疾病、慢性非传染性疾病和伤害的发生、伤残和死亡风险,给个人健康和社会发展带来了沉重的负担,已成为当前重要的全球公共卫生问题之一。目前,国外针对有害饮酒所致的疾病负担已开展了大量的研究,采用的方法不尽相同,而我国对该领域的研究尚处于起步阶段。本文就目前已发表文献中关于有害饮酒所致疾病负担的归因方法进行综述,为精确估算我国有害饮酒所致的疾病负担提供参考。 Harmful alcohol consumption can increase the risk of occurrence, disability and death of certain infectious diseases, chronic non-communicable diseases and injuries, posing a heavy burden on individual health and social development and has become one of the most important global public health problems . At present, foreign countries have done a great deal of research on the burden of disease caused by harmful drinking, and the methods used are not the same. However, the research on this field in our country is still in its infancy. This article summarizes the attributional methods of the burden of disease caused by harmful drinking in the published literature, and provides a reference for accurately estimating the burden of disease caused by harmful drinking in our country.
乡镇人大无奖励权rn重庆市石柱县司法局 陈鱼乐rn笔者认为,乡镇人大无奖励权,奖励代表建议办理单位的做法没有法律依据,且有越权之嫌,不宜推行.rn此举与法律规定不符.我国《
目的 :提高中晚期胰腺癌的手术切除率。临床资料 :采用先经皮肝穿胆道造影及引流 (PTCD)和经皮动脉插管化疗 (TAC)后二步切除治疗 12例晚期胰腺癌 ,结果减黄和化疗后手术切除
对 12例未能切除的晚期胰腺癌患者进行综合治疗 ,即术中对病灶区及肝门淋巴回流区一次性大剂量放疗 ,术后予以体外放疗及区域性化疗 ,加强局部控制。结果发现 :12例患者的腰