More than 20 years ago, Britain began testing a radioactive cancer treatment. This method differs from conventional radiotherapy in that it allows the radioactive source to reach the tumor directly. Application of this method must be general anesthesia surgery, the patient after surgery in a sealed room for a few days to prevent the spread of radioactive substances outward. This method was later promoted in the world. Over time, scientists have succeeded in developing a 1.1 mm diameter and 4 mm long emblem-type emitter that is 30-50 times more powerful than conventional emitters. Experts use this emitter to introduce radiation into cancerous tissue through a fluoroscopic catheter. Within a matter of minutes, it releases the amount of radiation that it took in the past few days to achieve radiation. The procedure requires 30 minutes without surgery and the patient Do not have to hospital. This new method was originally invented for third-country patients who did not have hospitalization conditions, but soon developed