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目的观察乳果糖治疗老年人便秘的疗效和安全性。方法本院住院老年慢性便秘患者65例,随机分为乳果糖治疗组和饮食调节组。乳果糖组在观察1周导入期后,每日早餐时服用乳果糖15毫升,共治疗3周。每周随访1次,记录大便次数,性状,不良反应和评定疗效。结果乳果糖治疗组的患者在服药开始后3天内,便秘症状迅速减轻。到治疗第3周时,乳果糖治疗组有91%患者感疗效满意;而饮食调节组有35.5%患者认为疗效满意。两组的疗效差异有统计显著性。两组均无重要不良反应。结论乳果糖是治疗老年人慢性便秘的有效、安全的药物,适合在基层医院广泛应用。 Objective To observe the efficacy and safety of lactulose in the treatment of constipation in the elderly. Methods 65 hospitalized elderly patients with chronic constipation were randomly divided into lactulose treatment group and diet adjustment group. Lactulose group observed 1 week after the introduction period, the daily breakfast lactulose 15 ml taking a total of 3 weeks. Weekly follow-up 1, record stool frequency, traits, adverse reactions and assessment of efficacy. Results Patients with lactulose treatment experienced a rapid reduction in constipation symptoms within 3 days of starting medication. By the third week of treatment, 91% of patients in the lactulose treatment group were satisfied with the curative effect, while 35.5% of the patients in the dietary adjustment group were satisfied with the curative effect. The difference between the two groups was statistically significant. No significant adverse reactions were seen in both groups. Conclusion lactulose is an effective and safe drug for the treatment of chronic constipation in the elderly, which is suitable for wide application in primary hospitals.
就道德而言,是要落实到个人的身上,即落实到企业的领导人和全体员工身上。企业对员工要有道德的爱,爱护自己的员工。  “什么是企业公民,什么是企业社会责任,我认为这两个概念是相同的。”  著名经济学家茅于轼说,一个社会分成几个大部分,一部分是普通老百姓,一部分是政府,还有一部分是企业。企业从事生产,消费者需要消费,政府管理社会。不过,现在又出现了第四个部门,就是非政府组织。他不是生产者,也不是消费者,
特邀主持专家  龙迪 资深家庭治疗师。中国科学院心理研究所教授,香港中文大学社会工作系博士。曾参加首届中德高级心理治疗师(家庭治疗方向)培训。目前在中国科学院心理研究所开设有“非暴力沟通与家庭生活”等体验式工作坊。  本来连春节都不想再回家去看自己的一对挑剔父母的大男人,因为照顾了他内心深处被忽略已久的受伤的小孩,决定张开双臂,真诚地去拥抱父母。  故事  “我知道自己心理有不少问题,这都是我父母