作者:叶檀网址:http://blog.ifeng.com/article/26548417.html时间:2013:5-2 00:45:09经济情况不妙,全球经济长期下行的趋势没有改变。4月份官方公布的中国制造业采购经理人指数(PMI)为50.6%,虽然连续七个月在50%的荣枯线以上,但环比回落0.3个百分点,并且各主要单项指数回落,新订单指数回落0.6个百分点,新出口订单指数回落超过2个百分点降至50%以下,生产指数微降0.1个百分点,而购进价格指数大幅回落
Author: Ye Tan URL: http: //blog.ifeng.com/article/26548417.html Time: 2013: 5-2 00:45:09 economic situation is not good, long-term global economic downward trend has not changed. In April, the official PMI for China manufacturing industry was 50.6%. Although the PMI for the seventh straight month was above the 50% margin, it dropped 0.3% MoM and the major individual indices dropped. The new orders index Down by 0.6 percentage point. The index of new export orders dropped more than 2 percentage points to below 50%, while the index of production decreased slightly by 0.1 percentage point while the index of purchase prices dropped sharply