先使磁带处于录像的暂停状态,即解除暂停便可马上开机录像。再用输出一方的录像机放像,确定使用镜头的范围。 对编辑工作不熟悉的往往仔细研究从何处起开始采用而忽略到何处停止的问题,待到录像的磁带真正转动以后便不知所措了。因此要牢牢记住,编辑的绝窍就是“决定所用镜头的终点。” 定下要采用的场面后,将输出一方的磁带倒至较开头处稍前的位置,然后将手指轻轻放在输入录像机上已按下的暂停键上,再按输出一方的放像键。 这时屏幕上出现的是从较采用画面稍前的图像开始。接着,出现了采用起点的画面那一瞬
First make the tape in the pause state of the video, that is, to release the pause can immediately boot video. Then use the output video recorder on one side to determine the range of the lens used. Often unfamiliar with editorial work, the question of where to start and ignore where to stop is often carefully examined until after the tape has actually rotated. So keep in mind that the editor’s trick is to “decide where to use the shot.” After setting the scene to be used, slide one side of the output tape to a position a little earlier than the beginning, then gently place the finger on Enter the pause button that has been pressed on the recorder, and then press the play button on one side. At this time appears on the screen from the screen earlier than the image began. Then, the moment of the screen of the starting point appeared