我院1986年1~7月份曾收治小儿肺炎152例,其中5例并发心肌炎,发生率占3.3%,这5例患者中发生Ⅱ度房室传导阻滞(以下简称Ⅱ°AVB)二例,现报告如下: 病例①女性,2岁。因发热3天,呼吸困难1 h,1986年3月12日下午4时急诊入院。患儿起病初期,流涕,继而发热(T37.5℃~39℃),咳嗽、咳痰,伴腹泻。入院前1h出现点头呼吸.体检:T38.2℃,P82次/分,R 50次/分,神萎,气促,呈张口点头呼吸,口唇紫绀,颈静脉怒张,三凹征明显,左肺语颤减弱,乳线第三肋以下呈浊音,可闻中小水泡音,右肺呼吸音粗
152 cases of pediatric pneumonia were admitted to our hospital from January to July 1986, of which 5 cases were complicated by myocarditis, the incidence rate was 3.3%. There were 2 cases of Ⅱ degree atrioventricular block (hereinafter referred to as Ⅱ ° AVB) in 5 cases, Now report as follows: Case ① female, 2 years old. 3 days due to fever, dyspnea 1 h, March 12, 1986 at 4 pm emergency admission. Early onset of children, runny nose, then fever (T37.5 ℃ ~ 39 ℃), cough, sputum, with diarrhea. 1h before admission, there was a nod.Results: T38.2 ℃, P82 / min, R50 beats / min, Shenwei, shortness of breath, mouth breathing, lip cyanosis, jugular vein engorgement, Pulmonary fibrillation weakened, milk under the third rib was voiced, can be heard small blisters sound, right lung breath sounds coarse