“一把手”是各个管理组织中领导全盘工作的管理者,是管理者群体中一个地位非常特殊、作用非常重要的管理主体。随着我国改革开放和加入世贸组织,以社会主义市场经济的发展,各种管理组织在社会经济、政治、文化等事务中的自主权力愈来愈大,相对独立的作风愈来愈强,这就愈来愈把各个管理组织中的“一把手”的地位和作风突现出来 行使管理权力,推动管理工作,与管理者个人的作风和修养有着十分密切的关
“Leader” is the manager who leads the overall work in all management organizations and is a very special and effective manager in the management group. With the reform and opening up in China and accession to the WTO, with the development of the socialist market economy, various management organizations have become increasingly autonomous in their social, economic, political and cultural affairs and have become more independent and relatively independent They have increasingly come to emerge from the status and style of “number one” in various management organizations to exercise their management power and promote their management. They are closely related to the personal style and accomplishment of managers