根据肌瘤与子宫肌层的关系可将子宫黏膜下肌瘤分为3种类型。宫腔镜子宫黏膜下肌瘤电切术(transcervical resection of myoma,TCRM)是治疗子宫黏膜下肌瘤的首选手术方法。本文结合我们在临床中的经验和体会,总结了各型子宫黏膜下肌瘤的宫腔镜电切术的操作方法、技巧以及手术并发症预防。
According to the relationship between fibroids and myometrial uterine fibroids can be divided into three types. Hysteroscopic resection of myoma (transcervical resection of myoma, TCRM) is the preferred surgical treatment of uterine fibroids. In this paper, we combine clinical experience and experience, summarizes the various types of uterine fibroids hysteroscopic resection method of operation, skills and complications of surgery prevention.