在21世纪,如何构筑上海的主导产业群,大力提高上海的城市综合竞争力,提升整个上海的产业层次,是我们必须认真考虑和解决的一项战略性的重大课题。按照发达国家的经验,上海人均CDP已超过4000美元具备以知识经济统领上海经济的条件。因而上海将知识产业确立为上海的主导产业,实现从以传统产业为主的产业结构向以知识产业为主的产业结构的转换,构筑起21世纪上海的主导产业群,以在 2015年前后率先实现现代化,应当是上海经济战略的主要组成部分和关键环节。上海社会科学院徐漪对此作了深入的论述。
In the 21st century, how to build a leading industry group in Shanghai, vigorously enhance Shanghai’s overall competitiveness in cities and upgrade the industrial level in Shanghai is a major strategic issue that we must seriously consider and solve. According to the experience of developed countries, the per capita CDP in Shanghai has exceeded 4,000 U.S. dollars and is in a position to command the Shanghai economy with a knowledge-based economy. As a result, Shanghai has established the knowledge industry as the leading industry in Shanghai, shifting from the industrial structure based on traditional industries to the industrial structure based mainly on the knowledge-based industries and building a leading industry group in Shanghai in the 21st century to take the lead in 2015 To realize modernization should be a major component and a key link in Shanghai’s economic strategy. Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences Xu Yi made in-depth discussion.