
来源 :赣南医学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guyunlong0811
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患者男 ,36岁。因包皮龟头红、肿、热、痛 2天来诊。患者包茎 ,常包皮红、肿、疼痛微痒 ,摩擦后更为明显 ,在医院给予口服及局部抗炎治疗一周 ,红、肿、热、痛症状消失 ,行包皮环切除术 ,术后见龟头左侧有暗红色椭圆形斑块 ,境界清楚。一个月后斑块未见消失。皮损组织活检示 :? Male patient, 36 years old. Due to prepuce glans red, swollen, hot, pain two days to diagnosis. Patients phimosis, often foreskin red, swollen, itching pain, more obvious after rubbing, oral and topical anti-inflammatory treatment in the hospital for a week, red, swollen, hot, pain disappeared, the circumcision, see the glans Dark red oval patches on the left, the state clearly. A month after the plaque disappeared. Skin lesions biopsy shows:?
Easter is a time of springtime festivals. In Christian countries Easter is celebrated as the religious holiday commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ,
为了研究睾丸体积和精液质量、睾丸体积和曲细精管功能或leydig细胞功能的关系 ,作者对 4 86名不育男性的有关检查参数进行了分析。睾丸体积通过睾丸测量仪测定 ,精液样本按照世界
Name : Jay Chow (English)Birthday : January 18th, 1979Birth Place: TaiwanHeight: 173cmWeight: 135 1bsBlood Type :O名字:周杰伦生日:18/1/1979籍贯:台湾高度173公分