第一项任务 星期三中午,我从图书馆回到办公室,隔壁办公室的小伙子给我送来一份法文的文件,上面附着一个小条,让我给我的上司打电话。领导给我分配了第一项工作,让我研究关于国际组织中观察员地位的问题,法庭想给予一些国际组织观察员的地位并与他们签订协定。我的任务是研究这样做是否合适,如果可以给予的话,是否需签订协定,在协定中就规定双方哪些权利义务,研究后写出有关的备忘录。为了将工作做得又快又好,我取消了回去吃午饭的打算,一头钻进七楼图书馆,图书馆中午不关门,多亏以前在研究台湾与国际组织的问题时曾涉猎这方面的问题,知道在什么地方找材料,可惜图书馆里这方面的资料奇缺,只找到很少的资料,我把它们复印后,拿回办公室去看,然后抓紧时间在电脑里打了一个简单的备忘录,谈了我对这个问题的初步印象。我的上司说,他给我的那份法文的东西是我前面一位搞的。我说:“我看不懂法语,有英文本吗?”他说:“没有。你不是学了很长时间法语了吗?你不
The first task was Wednesday afternoon at noon. I returned to the office from the library and the young man in the next office sent me a French document with a bar attached to let me call my boss. The leadership assigned me the first task of letting me study the issue of observer status in international organizations that the Tribunal wanted to grant observers status to some international organizations and signed agreements with them. My task is to study whether it is appropriate to do so. If it can be given, whether it is necessary to sign an agreement or not and stipulate the rights and obligations of both parties in the agreement and write down the relevant memorandum after the study. In order to make my work fast and sound, I canceled my intention of going back to lunch and plunged into the library on the seventh floor. The library did not close at noon. Thanks to the previous problems in studying Taiwan and international organizations, , Know where to find the material, but in the library of information in this area scarce, only to find a small amount of information, I put them copied, get back to the office to see, and then seize the time in the computer hit a simple memo , Talked about my initial impression of this issue. My supervisor said that the French he gave me was one of my predecessors. I said, “I do not understand French, English?” He said, "No. You did not learn French for a long time?