
来源 :法学探索.贵州省政法管理干部学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wsx19810518
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台湾在六七十年代,经济迅速发展,社会结构发生变化,新的经济秩序尚未建立,在经济生活中,伤害行为、不实或引人错误的标志或广告等甚为严重,消费者利益受到重大损失。企业方面独占、联合垄断已经出现,市场机能无法正常发挥,产业结构无法升级。据此情况,极需建立公平合理的竞争规则,创设一个企业自由竞争的环境,台湾为促进其经济自由化和国际化政策的实现,于1980年开始起草《公平交易法》,经过十年之久酝酿,于1991年2月4扫正式通过并公布,确定自公布后一年实行。台湾《公平交易法》以“维护交易秩序与消费者利益,确保公平竞争,促进经济之安全与繁荣”为立法目的。它确立了台湾的竞争行为规则,使经营者在法律规范下进行公平自由竞争,因而产生了很好的效益,同时也使消费者的权益得到保护。正值我国《反不正当竞争法》正式施行之际,借鉴国外与台湾竞争法律制度的有益作法是可行的。故本文浅析台湾《公平交易法》的法律特征,以飨读者。 In the 1960s and the 1970s, Taiwan experienced rapid economic growth, changes in social structure and a new economic order that has not yet been established. In economic life, injuries, misrepresentation or misleading signs or advertisements are very serious and consumer interests are being affected huge loss. Monopoly of enterprises, joint monopolies have emerged, the market function can not be normal, the industrial structure can not be upgraded. Under such circumstances, it is extremely necessary to establish fair and reasonable competition rules and create a free and competitive environment for enterprises. To promote its economic liberalization and internationalization, Taiwan began drafting the Fair Trade Act in 1980 and, after a decade For a long time brewing, in December 1991 4 formally adopted and announced, confirmed that one year after the publication of the implementation. Taiwan’s “Fair Trade Act” takes the purpose of “safeguarding the order of transactions and the interests of consumers, ensuring fair competition and promoting economic security and prosperity” for legislative purposes. It established the rules of Taiwan’s competition rules so that the operators can enjoy fair and free competition under the legal norms, thus generating good benefits and at the same time protecting the rights and interests of consumers. At a time when the Anti-Unfair Competition Law of our country is officially put into practice, it is feasible to draw on the beneficial practices of foreign and Taiwan’s competition law system. Therefore, this article analyzes the legal characteristics of Taiwan’s “Fair Trade Act” to readers.
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