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近几年来,华阴兵器试验中心的档案工作,在上级领导下,在健全管理体制、完善管理制度,改善保管条件、使用微机管理、发挥档案的社会经济效益等方面,得到了不断的充实,完善和提高,为今后更好地发挥档案在基地建设和常规兵器科研、生产、试验、教学中的效用创造了较好条件。 1、健全档案管理体制,完善档案管理制度我们遵照上级有关规定,中心有一名领导负责主管档案工作。中心办公室归口管理中心的档案工作。下设9个档案室,其中司令部保密室和情报资料科为重点单位,设专职保密档案员,其余的通信、干部、财务、保卫、基建、气象、设备等科、室设兼职保密档案员。为了完善档案管理制度,我们按照《档案法》和上级有关规定的精神,结合实际,修订了《文书立卷归档制度》、《档案销毁制度》、《档案修改制度》、《档案库房安全守则》和《专业档案管理部门职责》等制度。并将档案管理制度的执行情况纳入中心试验工作 In recent years, archiving work of Huayin Weaponry Testing Center under the leadership of its superiors has been continuously enriched in terms of improving the management system, perfecting the management system, improving the conditions of custody, using computer management, and bringing into full play the social and economic benefits of archives. Improve and enhance it, and create better conditions for the future development of archives in the base construction and the effectiveness of conventional weapons research, production, testing and teaching. 1, improve the file management system, improve the file management system We comply with the relevant provisions of the higher authorities, the center has a leader in charge of file management. Central Office centralized management center file job. There are 9 archives, of which the security department and the headquarters of the intelligence information unit as the key units, set up full-time file clerk, the rest of the communications, cadres, finance, security, infrastructure, weather, equipment and other departments, . In order to improve the archives management system, we revised the “Document Filing and Filing System”, “File Destruction System”, “File Amendment System” and “Archives and House Safety Rules” according to the “Archives Law” and the relevant provisions of the higher authorities. And “professional file management department responsibilities” and other systems. And the implementation of the file management system into the center of the experimental work
为推进“三基”工程建设和全面贯彻落实周永康部长关于“将公安科技普及到每一个执法岗位”的重要指示精神,10月18日下午,科技局在中国 In order to promote the constructi
Electroslag remelting(ESR) process using consumable electrode deoxidized with CaSi and Fe-Si instead of Al? and acid slag(CaF_2-SiO_2-Al_2O_3-CaO) instead of un
我国最古老的大型天文仪器——简仪,因年久失修损坏严重,随时有倒塌的危险,专家们吁请有关部门尽快采取措施抢修。 简仪,是我国元代著名天文学家郭守敬在古代浑天仪的基础上