为了正确测报粘虫虫情,采取各种有效措施加以防治,我们对粘虫蛾子的生活习性进行了观察,现将观察结果初步整理如下: 一、蛾子的来源 1972年冬未发现粘虫以各种虫态在舟山越冬,而早春却诱到大量的粘虫蛾子,所以初步认为舟山群岛的粘虫蛾子,系由外地远距离迁入。分析迁入地有这两个条件: 1.本地有大量蜜源植物招引、供给蛾子产卵前所需的食料,使卵巢发育成熟完成产卵任务。据本站观察,今年蛾子高峰期为4月22日,与油菜花始盛期吻合。
In order to correctly report the occurrence of armyworms and adopt various effective measures to prevent and control them, we observed the living habits of armyworm moths. The results of the observations are summarized as follows: I. Origin of the moth The armyworm The species of zooplankton overwinter in Zhoushan, but in early spring but lured a large number of armyworm moths, so tentatively believe that the armyworms of Zhoushan islands moth, moved by long-distance field. Analysis of immigrants have these two conditions: 1. There are a large number of native honey plants attract the supply of moths needed before spawning food, the ovary mature to complete the task of spawning. According to our observations, this year’s moth peak is April 22, coincided with the beginning of rape blossom.