【摘 要】
The development of Western consumption theory goes through several stages, mainly the absolute income hypothesis, the relative income hypothesis, the persistent income hypothesis, the life cycle hypothesis and the random walk hypothesis. Based on the data from 1984 to 2006 in Jiangxi Province, this paper uses Granger causality test, cointegration test and least square method to make empirical analysis. The result shows that if these western consumption function theories are combined and then based on the actual situation in Jiangxi Province, we can get a more convincing consumption function model for consumption in Jiangxi Province.
With the development of MEMS technology,the traditional thermal diffusion process is commonly replaced by the implantation technique. The ion implantation has a
时间跑得真快啊!2004年的春节眨眼就来了。我们又都大了一岁。 记得小时候,每到冬天,我就特别地盼望过年,因为对我来说过年意味着有新衣服,有好吃的,还有压岁钱。过年让我神往。但随着年龄的增长,我对过年的期盼慢慢地淡了,淡了,甚至有点害怕过年。现在每当年关逼近,我就不禁要想:这一年再也抓不住了,可我做了些什么?过年让我感伤。 真的是小时盼过年,大了怕过年。 对于春节,同学们的心情一定和我少
Primary and secondary benzylic alcohols were oxidized to the corresponding carbonyi compounds in good to high yields by environmentally friendly and green oxida
伏尔加格勒理工学院的两名实习生哈桑和库罗到达了渺无人烟的西伯利亚东北部,进行探险考察。根据携带的北冰洋沿岸地形分布图,两个人深入到了一处狭窄的半岛区域。这里处处都生长着遮天蔽日的原始针叶林树,以至于道路崎岖难行。按照分工,库罗走在前面用方位仪探路,哈桑则跟随在后搜集各种植物和矿石标本。(一) 当两个人拐进一片谷地后,哈桑见到了几种从未看过的苔藓,便好奇地停下来,小心翼翼地用刀子刮取一些装进背包中
The pulse duration is an important parameter in the experiments between laser and materials. A single shot autocorrelation is set up successfully for measuring