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今年是北伐战争80周年。在湖北咸宁有一个因北伐战争而闻名于世的小镇,这就是汀泗桥。汀泗桥一带三面环水,一面靠山,地势险要,易守难攻。1926年8月,北伐军攻入湖北。北洋军阀吴佩孚纠集两万多人扼守汀泗桥,在此据险顽抗。26日,北伐军向汀泗桥发起进攻,遇到敌人顽抗,前进受阻。 This year marks the 80th anniversary of the Northern Expedition. In Xianning, Hubei Province, a small town famous for its Northern Expedition, this is Ting Si Bridge. Ting Si Bridge area surrounded by water, side by side, terrain, easy to keep hard. In August 1926, the Northern Expeditionary Army scored Hubei. Beibei warlords Wu Peifu gathered more than 20,000 people Tingting Si Bridge, according to this stubborn resistance. On the 26th, the Northern Expedition Army launched an offensive on Ting Si Bridge and encountered resistance from the enemy. The advance was blocked.