Ways to Use ERP to Lean the Manufacturing SuppLy Chain——simple things that work for real manufactur

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There are entire books, thorough training and certification processes all devoted to lean supply chain practices. But within any manufacturing environment, there are a few relatively simple steps that will help any enterprise lean their supply chain. In this white paper, we will touch on these simple measures-measures that any company can take. Lean in a supply chain context is about a holistic view of procurement, manufacturing distribution and sales order processing. This means that some level of enter- There are entire books, thorough training and certification processes all devoted to lean supply chain practices. But within any manufacturing environment, there are a few quite simple steps that will help any enterprise lean their supply chain. In this white paper, we will touch on these simple measures-measures that any company can take. Lean in a supply chain context is about a holistic view of procurement, manufacturing distribution and sales order processing. This means that some level of enter-
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冬是一块白色的帷幕,把整个世界笼罩!  懒洋洋的太阳悄悄地躲在了云的背后;一阵阵凉爽的风变成了凛冽寒风;一片片多姿的叶不翼而飞,只留下丫丫叉叉的树枝。高声鸣唱的蟋蟀跳走了,鲜艳婀娜的花儿谢幕了,静谧驻留在枝杈间,白色主宰了一切。冷风刮过残枝,吹送着宁静的心曲。深秋凉爽的积蓄,这时已经酿成一种寒冷,在天地间驰骋。冬天到了!  没有了春的清新、夏的热烈、秋的绚烂,冬,你还会让我着迷吗?  冬的色彩是纯
“妈,我起床了,今天上午有2节语文课,晚上聊,手机不带了。”“好的,儿子。”  这样平常的对话,发生在早已参加工作的王强与他的母亲之间。三年前,王强的母亲因患有阿尔茨海默症,记忆永远停在了他的高中时期。为了让母亲放心,31岁的王强开始扮演高中时期的自己——每天早上6点半起床,晚上9点半下晚自习,10点半左右寝室熄灯。更让人惊讶的是,王强每天晚上还会穿着自己高中时候的校服和母亲视频。他說:“其实也没