目的严把新兵入伍体检复查关,防止艾滋病传入部队。方法新兵入伍检疫期间,由新兵集训单位负责,按要求采集并分离血清样品送北京军区空军后勤部防疫队待检,应用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)技术,对全部新兵进行初筛,阴性者判定阴性,阳性者再用原有试剂复核,阳性样品送全军艾滋病检测中心采用免疫印迹试剂进行确认。结果2000年1月~2007年1月,6年间共对来自23个省、市、自治区的49 017名入伍新兵的血清样品进行了艾滋病病毒抗体检测,检测样品吸光度(A)值与临界值(Cutoff)的比值(S/CO)地区差异较大,其中天津市最高,平均值为0.122 43,重庆市最低,平均值为0.063 01;初筛为假阳性260人,经蛋白印迹法确认结果均为阴性。结论新兵人群艾滋病病毒抗体检测存在一些假阳性结果,实际检测中必须遵循先初筛阳性再确认的检验程序原则,防止误报告所带来的问题。
The purpose of strict recruit military examination review, to prevent the introduction of AIDS into force. Methods recruits recruits during the quarantine by the recruit training unit is responsible for the collection and separation of serum samples were asked to the Beijing Military Region Air Force Logistics Department quarantine team pending application of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) technology, screening of all recruits, negative Negative, positive and then re-use of the original reagent review, the positive samples sent to the AIDS test center to confirm the use of immunoblot reagents. Results From January 2000 to January 2007, the serum samples of 49 017 recruits from 23 provinces, cities and autonomous regions were tested for HIV antibody in six years. The absorbance (A) value and critical value Cutoff) (S / CO), with the highest in Tianjin, with an average of 0.122 43, the lowest in Chongqing with an average of 0.063 01, and the first screening was carried out with 260 false-positives and the results were confirmed by Western blot Negative. Conclusion There are some false positive results for HIV antibody testing among recruits. In the actual testing, the principle of screening test that re-confirms positive screening should be followed to prevent the problems caused by false reports.