云电视升级拓办公应用 康佳6000系列畅享未来生活

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2011年岁末,国内彩电市场战火愈烧愈旺。伴随云电视技术的不断成熟和应用的极大丰富,各彩电厂商将冲刺年底销售的筹码一致押在了云电视上。云电视革命性地将电视和电脑、手机等随时随地连接起来,通过远端服务器按需索取资源,拥有大幅提升计算速度和集中管理电视性能等优势。在岁末云电视市场征战中,康佳以不断升级的产品 By the end of 2011, the war on the domestic color TV market has been booming. Accompanied by cloud TV technology continues to mature and the application of great wealth, the color TV manufacturers will be the end of the sale of chips spun at the same charge on the cloud TV. Cloud TV Revolutionary TV and computers, mobile phones, etc. connected anytime, anywhere, through remote server access to resources on demand, with a substantial increase in computing speed and centralized management of television performance and other advantages. In the end of the cloud television market campaign, Konka constantly upgrading products