我父亲刘韵生,懈放前参加革命,曾任山东聊城地区人民医院副院长,共产党员。父亲经常对我讲述往事,特别是他亲身经历的“九·一八”事变,使我永难忘怀。 旧社会军阀混战,烽火连天,政府横征暴敛,百姓苦不堪言。由于生活所迫,1928年父亲年仅12岁时就和本村乡亲闯关东,来到沈阳。 开始他在针织厂当童工,每天劳动12小时。仍然吃不饱、穿不暖。没有宿舍,睡在车间。车间棉絮飞舞,噪
My father, Liu Yansheng, took part in the revolution before he let go. He was the vice president and member of the Communist Party of People’s Hospital of Liaocheng in Shandong. My father often told me about the past, especially the “September 18 Incident” that he personally experienced. It has never forgotten me. The old social warlords scuffled, the flames of war, the government levied violence, the people miserable. Due to the force of life, in 1928, when his father was only 12 years old, he went to the east of the village folks and came to Shenyang. He started working as a child laborer in knitwear and worked 12 hours a day. Still not full, not warm. No dormitory, sleep in the workshop. Shop cotton fluttering, noise