结合试验地调查以及林分内树种组成,利用混交度(M)、大小比数(U)和角尺度(W)3个林分结构参数,分析了叶山林场常绿阔叶混交林林分空间结构。结果表明:该林分平均混交度为0.371 8,主要树种麻栎多呈单种聚集,其余树种中强度混交比例达到96%;平均大小比数为0.493 6,在林分空间配置上,马尾松处于优势状态,其余树种分化严重;平均角尺度为0.518 9,混交林的分布格局基本上以团状分布为主。
Based on the investigation of the experimental site and the tree species composition in the stand, the spatial structure of the stand of the evergreen broad-leaved mixed forest in Yeshan Forest Farm was analyzed by using the structural parameters of three stand mix (M), size ratio (U) and angle scale (W) structure. The results showed that the average mixed degree of the stands was 0.371 8, the main tree species, Quercus acutissima, mostly aggregated in single species while the intensity of the remaining species was 96%. The average size ratio was 0.493 6. In the spatial distribution of stand, In the dominant state, the rest of the species diverged seriously. The average angular dimension was 0.518 9. The distribution pattern of mixed forest basically consisted of clumps.