当前,随着经济体制改革的不断深入,要继续发展教育事业需要花钱的地方很多,而国家的财力是有限的,这样就形成新的供需矛盾。下面仅就如何做好新时期的教育会计工作,谈一点自己的见解。 1 加强学习不断提高自身政策水平和业务素质。做一名会计人员,必须加强政治学习,不断提高自己政治思想和政策水平,要坚持四项基本原则,热爱本职工作,树立为教育、为科研服务的观点。不但要熟悉会计核算的一般业务,而且要掌握有关财经方面的方针、政策、法律、制度。更要树立一个一身正气,廉洁奉公,不谋私利,刚直不阿,秉公执法的
At present, with the continuous deepening of the reform of the economic system, there are many places where it is necessary to spend money to continue the development of education, and the state’s financial resources are limited, thus creating a new contradiction between supply and demand. The following only talks about how to do a good job in education accounting in the new period. 1 Strengthen learning and continuously improve its own policy level and professional quality. To be an accountant, we must strengthen political studies, continuously improve our own political thinking and policy, adhere to the four basic principles, love our work, and establish a viewpoint for education and research. Not only should we be familiar with the general business of accounting, but we must also have guidelines, policies, laws, and regulations related to finance and economics. It is even more necessary to establish a sense of integrity, honesty, self-interest, uprightness, and law enforcement.