
来源 :旅游纵览(下半月) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chm200630990203
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“新平冶陶,始于汉世”。近几年,凭借山清水秀的自然旅游资源和博大精深的陶瓷文化旅游资源,景德镇的旅游业得到飞速发展。而随着信息技术的发展,“互联网+”时代的到来,旅游智慧化发展成为必然趋势。本文主要从吃住行游购娱旅游六要素出发,对景德镇旅游业智慧化发展现状做出研究。 “New Pingye Tao, began in Han World ”. In recent years, with the beautiful natural tourism resources and profound ceramic culture tourism resources, Jingdezhen tourism has been rapid development. With the development of information technology, “Internet + ” era, the development of tourism intelligence has become an inevitable trend. Based on the six elements of tourism, entertainment and entertainment, this article mainly studies the current situation of tourism development in Jingdezhen.
从教育的角度来讲,酒店实习就是一种实践教学,学生是教育过程中绝对性的主体,因此,学生对于酒店实习的满意度应该是这一过程中首先考量到的问题。 From the perspective of