大鲶鱼头式的设计充分考虑到空气动力学设定,将下压力尽可能提升,同时减小地面效应。阿斯顿马丁为了吸引更多的游戏爱好者,在著名的赛车游戏Gran Turismo 6当中推出了全新概念车DP-100 vision Gran Turismo。事实上这款全新概念车并未生产出真车,哪怕连油泥模型也都没有,仅仅存在于GT6游戏当中,并且可以通过下载的方式得到。这部全新概念车由阿断顿马丁英国总部以CC100 Speedster概念车为蓝本打造,采用了更夸张和更大胆的设计手法,反正也是在游戏里,有多夸张都不为过。前部硕大的进气格栅内嵌式激光大灯还有碎片式尾灯都是DP-100 visior Gran Turismo的独特之处。
Catfish head design takes full account of aerodynamic settings, the next pressure as much as possible to enhance, while reducing the effect of the ground. Aston Martin In order to attract more game enthusiasts, in the famous racing game Gran Turismo 6 introduced a new concept car DP-100 vision Gran Turismo. In fact, this new concept car did not produce a real car, even the sludge model does not exist, only exists in the GT6 game, and can be downloaded through the way. The new concept car by Arduan Martin headquarters in London to CC100 Speedster concept car modeled on the use of more exaggerated and more bold design practices, anyway, is also in the game, how much exaggeration can not be overestimated. Giant front grille embedded laser headlights and debris taillights are DP-100 visior Gran Turismo’s unique.