提到以色列,人们的第一印象是战火纷飞,但我们常常忘了,它也是个“创业的国度”:2008年,以色列的人均风险资本是美国的2.5倍,除美国之外,以色列在纳斯达克上市的公司比全世界任何一个国家都要多。沙伊·阿加西就是这个“创业的国度”中的一名卓越的创业者,他的创业履历,尤其是创立电动汽车公司Better Place的历程,充分体现了以色列人独特的创新创业文化:天马行空地去想,肆无忌惮地去做,集结政府、社会和个人的所有资源去推动;另外,从不害怕逆流而行,对失败极度宽容。
When it comes to Israel, the first impression people make is that the war is flying, but we often forget that it is also a “country of entrepreneurship.” In 2008, Israel’s per capita venture capital was 2.5 times that of the United States. Except for the United States, Israel There are more companies on the Nasdaq than any other country in the world. Shay Agassi is a great entrepreneur in this “country of start-up”. His start-up history, especially the creation of Better Place, an electric car company, fully demonstrates the unique Israeli culture of innovation and entrepreneurship: They want to think freely and wantonly to do everything in their power to mobilize all the resources of the government, society and individuals. In addition, they are never afraid to go against the current and are extremely tolerant of failure.