In this paper, epidemiological methods and ICD-9 principles of classification of causes of death, the nuclear industry eleven units all-cause investigation. The result was accidental death 786 cases, accounting for the second cause of all deaths. The crude mortality rate was 50.98 × 10-5, the normalized mortality rate was 46.56 × 10-5, SMR1.20 (P <0.01). The average age of death was 34.93 ± 9.27 years. The dynamic changes of accidental death over the years showed no significant changes (P> 0.05). The cause of death was as follows: work injury (29.90%), suicide (22.52%), transportation accident (10.81%), drowning (8.40%), accidental crashes (6.87%) and poisoning 20%). 15421 years of work loss, life expectancy loss of about 25743 years. Accidental death ⌒RR male> female (P <0.01), radiological group> non-radiological group, mainly from geology, mining system, without evidence of radiological evidence.