Suliman and Waliya (a Salar folk story)

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SULIMAN was a young Salar hunter who possessed a magic bow and knife. At the age of 25, he was eager to find a good wife. One day, at the foot of a mountain, he saved a skylark from the mouth of a water snake. When the skylark song thanks to Suliman, he saw a pretty girl in the river SULIMAN was a young Salar hunter who possessed a magic bow and knife. At the age of 25, he was eager to find a good wife. One day, at the foot of a mountain, he saved a skylark from the mouth of a water snake When the skylark song thanks to Suliman, he saw a pretty girl in the river
赖建雄,这位来自广东梅州的中年男人,如今已是一家拥有800多家全国连锁店、3000多名从业人员的“大”企业总裁。他从卖一个进价只有4元的发夹开始,做到了现在的过亿元身家,3年内他还想将他的小发夹生意做到10亿元以上的规模。      寻找创富“偏门”       1987年,赖建雄从中山大学毕业被分配到中山市精细化工集团,1991年初,也就是在邓小平南巡讲话的前一年,他奋不顾身地下“海”了。   
今年28岁的肖玲是武汉市人,大学毕业后,一直没有找到稳定的工作,那些日子她像只候鸟一样在不同的单位间跳来跳去,心里十分着急。  肖玲是个性格活泼、喜欢交友的女孩。她在大学里结交了很多知心朋友,每到周末或者节假日,大家都喜欢轮流坐庄聚会。    “吵”出来的创业灵感    一次,她们一起去吃饭,其中一个四川籍女孩抱怨道:“武汉的菜太难吃了,吃来吃去都是一个味!”肖玲听了反驳她:“川菜好吃嗎?又麻又辣
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