引子 2004年春节,我回老家禹城过年,当我驾车下了省道 101,拐上乡村公路时,不由吃了一惊,以前“晴天尘土飞扬、雨天一片泥泞”的土路不见了,取而代之的是一条平坦、乌亮的柏油公路。刹那间,我心中的激动无以言表。更没想到的是,公路竟然一直铺到了我家的大门口。这使我想起少年时代的一个梦想。我老家所在的村子,虽然离城很近,但由于是黄土路。每逢下雨,道路就非常泥泞。那时我正上初中,每次下雨,
In the spring of 2004, when I returned to my hometown Yucheng for the Chinese New Year, when I drove the provincial highway 101 and turned onto the country road, I was taken aback. In the past, the dirt road of “sunny dust and rainy day was muddy” was gone. Instead, A flat, shiny black asphalt road. Suddenly, my heart’s excitement beyond words. Even more unexpected is that even the road has been paved the door to my home. This reminds me of a dream in my youth. The village where my hometown is located is close to the city, but due to the loess road. Every time it rains, the road is very muddy. At that time I was in junior high school, every time it rains,