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江苏省在国家医保乙类药品目录基础上,增加了150多种中、西药,增加品种占国家医保乙类药品目录品种的15%。此举使该省400多万医保参保职工的医疗保障水平涨了“一截”。新目录自3月1日起实施。 据了解,国家公布的医保用药目录分为甲、乙两类。鉴于各地经济水平的差异,允许各省(市)对乙类药适当增减,增减幅度不得超过15%。江苏省考虑到该省经济状况较好、医疗水平较高的实际,决定取上限增加乙类药, Based on the catalog of national medical insurance B drugs, Jiangsu Province has added more than 150 kinds of Chinese and Western medicines, and increased varieties account for 15% of the national medical insurance category B drug catalogs. This move made the level of medical insurance for over 4 million Medicare insured workers in the province rise by “one point.” The new directory will come into effect on March 1. It is understood that the state announced the list of Medicare drugs is divided into A, B two categories. In view of the differences in economic level across the country, all provinces (cities) are allowed to appropriately increase or decrease the amount of the B drugs, with the increase or decrease not exceeding 15%. Considering the fact that the province’s economy is in good condition and the medical level is high, Jiangsu Province decided to take the upper limit to increase the amount of Class B drugs.
Two metamorphic processes, i.e. subsolidus dehydration and partial melting occurring in MORB, metasediments and peridotite of subducted oceanic lithosphere are
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