一.对高填土浅基础的看法 1.在高填土上建造房屋,过去由于对高填土特性了解不够,所以设计时一般采用将基础落至老土或采用临时结构。这样既耗费了大量建设资金,又影响了正常的使用。 1957年,我院学习了东北的先进经验,在武汉枢纽汉西仓库设计了高填土浅基础,基底以下采用了二合土垫层。由于对这一经验没有学透,上部房屋结构刚度没有适当加强,在施工时填土未充分夯实,施工埸地的排水也未注意。一埸大雨后,新填土产生了严重的湿陷现象,房屋上部砖墙开裂,初次尝试失败了。从此,设计人员不敢贸然设计高填土浅埋基础,施工单位亦不肯接受这种工程任务。
I. The view on the shallow foundation of high fill 1. The construction of houses on high fill has not been well understood in the past due to the nature of high fill. Therefore, in the design, the foundation is usually taken as the basis or a temporary structure is adopted. This consumes a lot of construction funds, but also affect the normal use. In 1957, our college studied the advanced experience of Northeast China, designed a shallow foundation of high fill in Wuhan Hub Hanxi Warehouse, and used two layers of cushion below the basement. Due to the lack of knowledge of this experience, the structural rigidity of the upper house was not properly strengthened, and the filling of soil was not fully compacted during construction and drainage of construction wasteland was not noticed either. After a heavy rain, the newly-filled soil had a serious collapsing phenomenon. The brick walls in the upper part of the house were cracked and the initial attempt failed. Since then, designers do not dare to rush to design high fill shallow foundation, the construction unit will not accept this project task.