一回眸就是百期。从2006年6月创刊号第1期到2014年9月第1 00期,9年间《中国拍卖》走过了百期征程。这9年是我国拍卖行业发生巨大变化的9年,也是我们刊物蹒跚学步逐渐成长的9年。在纪念刊物百期之际,我谨代表编辑部向读者致敬,你们的关注,是我们努力办刊的动力;向作者致敬,你们的厚爱,让我们不断有精品奉出;向行业的领导、同仁们致敬,你们的支持与呵护,让我们克服困难勇敢前行。
A look back is a hundred. From the first issue in June 2006 to the first in September 2014, the “Chinese Auction” passed the 100-year journey in nine years. This nine-year period has undergone nine years of tremendous change in the auction industry in our country. It is also the nine-year period in which our publications have grown toddlers. On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the publication, on behalf of the editorial department, I would like to pay tribute to the readers. Your attention is the motivation for our efforts in running the magazine. To pay tribute to the authors and your love, let us continue to make outstanding contributions. My colleagues salute, your support and care, let us brave the difficulties to overcome the line.