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2016年11月25日晚,古巴革命领袖菲德尔·卡斯特罗逝世。当年在马埃斯特腊山区打游击时蓄起的一把浓密胡须和一身绿色戎装作为卡斯特罗的标志,从战争年代延续到古巴革命胜利后的社会主义建设时期。在其近50年的执政期中,卡斯特罗一直以其标志性的形象显示着一名不畏强权、敢于以弱对强的战士的不屈与抗争。从推翻巴蒂斯塔的亲美独裁政权,到抗击美国对古巴长达半个世纪之久的贸易禁运及经济封锁,他领导着古巴在战乱与贫穷中前行,艰难险阻从未使其退缩,他始终高扬共产主义理想的大旗,坚持走自己的发展道路,在与世界头号强国的抗争中为维护国家主权、独立和人民利益展现着硬汉风采。这位“吓不怕、压不垮、打不倒的大胡子”对内坚守自己认定的利国利民之道,对外则不遗余力地输出革命,也因此,他领导的古巴成为美国“家门口”最难啃的“骨头”。在其离世半年前,他在2016年4月19日古巴共产党七大闭幕时发表了“告别演说”。他说:“或许,这将是我最后一次在这个会场发言……很快,我就会像其他所有人一样。我们所有人都会面临那一刻,但是,古巴共产主义者们的理想信念会保持不变……我们需要为此继续不停奋斗。”终其一生菲德尔·卡斯特罗实现了为其坚信不疑的理想奋斗不息的追求。他的离世也使一个壮怀激烈的时代就此落幕。 On the night of November 25, 2016, the death of Fidel Castro, leader of the Cuban revolution, passed away. A thick beard and a green military uniform that had been built during the guerrillas campaign in the Maastricht Mountains during that year continued to serve as a symbol of Castro, extending from the war years to the period of socialist construction after the victory of the Cuban revolution. In its nearly 50-year ruling period, Castro has always displayed by its iconic image a defiant and courageous, weak and strong soldier’s unyielding and protest. From overthrowing Batista’s pro-American dictatorship to fighting the U.S. embargo and economic embargo imposed on Cuba for as long as half a century, he led Cuba in its advancement in war and poverty. When he retreated, he always advocated the banner of communist ideals. He persisted in his own path of development and displayed a tough-mannered look for safeguarding national sovereignty, independence and interests of the people in the protest with the world’s number one power. The “bearded man who is not scared, crushed and beaten” firmly sticks to his own way of benefiting the country and benefiting the people within himself and sparing no effort in exporting the revolution to the outside world. As a result, Cuba, under his leadership, has become the United States. The door “the most difficult to chew ” bones “. Six months before his death, he delivered a ”Farewell Speech“ at the closing of the seventh anniversary of the Cuban Communist Party on April 19, He said: ”Perhaps this will be the last time I speak in this venue ... Soon, I will be like everyone else, and all of us will face that moment, but the ideal and conviction of the Cuban Communists Stay the same ... we need to continue to work hard for that. “” Fidel Castro, the rest of her life, has achieved her constant quest for her faith-based dream. His death also brought an end to a strong period.
本文通过某工程设计实例,介绍CFG桩复合地基设计方法,并对不同桩径、桩距CFG桩进行造价分析。 In this paper, through a project design example, the design method of CF
为了解决冷链物流存在的运输效率低、冷藏箱设备利用率低等问题,设计了一种基于窄带物联网技术的冷藏箱共享系统。系统利用RFID(Radio Frequency IDentification)技术、传感器技术、多模卫星定位技术,采用多层次分布结构,把硬件搭载于子母箱体上,配合云数据库以及良好的人机交互平台,实现了冷藏箱组的共享。这种共享模式采用信用分制度,实现了自助预约、自助租赁、自助结算以及订单追溯等