你们对 IT 厂商最大的意见是什么?听到这个问题,得到用户最多的答案之一就是,厂商介绍的 IT 产品。特别是主机硬件和软件产品的性能,功能和实际上用户能够享受的功能相差太远,大有上当之感。能不能举个例子?例子多了,比方说硬件厂商总爱用可扩展、能扩展,实际等到了可扩展的时候又让用户掏钱。比方说软件产品,特别是中间件产品,从买到的到实际能用的介面相差好大一截,厂商们又管不了。难道厂商们是故意在吹牛吗?不是,用户们都认为不是,他们认为有大部
What is your biggest opinion on IT vendors? Hear this problem, get one of the users most of the answers is that manufacturers introduced IT products. In particular, the performance and functionality of the host hardware and software products are quite different from those that users can actually enjoy. Could you give an example »Many examples, for example, hardware manufacturers always love to use scalable, can be extended, the actual wait for the scalability and allow users to pay. For example, software products, especially middleware products, buy from the actual interface can be a big difference, manufacturers can not control. Is the manufacturers are deliberately bragging it? No, users are not that they think they have most