Little is known about how to prevent treatment of biliary obstruction that develops into TPN, and the authors used an analog of cholecystokinin, ceruletide and secretin, to treat one case of long-term TPN Relationship with bile obstruction in preterm children. The baby girl is one of the twins, caesarean section, and her mother has stubborn gallbladder fibrosis. The girl was 34 weeks pregnant, weighing 960g. Bloating and biliary vomiting on day 1 of birth. X-ray presentation of meconium ileus and small intestine confirmed by surgery. TPN started on the second postoperative day. Serum bilirubin increased to 55 μmol / L (3.2 mg / dl) and alkaline phosphatase reached 500 U / L when TPN was administered on day 29; 111 μmol / L for the three weeks thereafter. daily