
来源 :解放军生活 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhen3071
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如果你能到这里访问或参观,你一定会被这里独特的“海味”氛围所感染。教学大楼墙壁上悬挂着许多海军舰艇的图片以及古老的绳结、舵轮和各种航海仪器实物。实验楼大门两侧摆设着两座海战用的仿真古炮,走廊里以及楼梯的拐角陈列着许多人民海军各个时期以及各国海军的军舰与兵器的模型。学员宿舍里,床上没有像豆腐块一样的被子,取而代之的是被子平铺在床上,上面再盖上毛毯。这是按照舰艇上的要求去做的,连床的摆放位置也是和舰艇上的一模一样。走进这里仿佛走进了舰艇上的舰员住舱一样。这让人不禁想起那首“海浪把战舰轻轻地摇,年轻的水兵,头枕着波涛,睡梦中露出甜美的微笑”的歌词。这里是中国战舰舰长的“母 If you can come here to visit or visit, you will definitely be here unique ”sea “ atmosphere infection. The walls of the teaching building are filled with pictures of many naval ships and ancient ropes, steering wheels and all kinds of marine equipment. The experimental building is equipped with two antique battle guns for naval combat on both sides of the gate. The corridors and the corners of the staircase display models of warships and weapons of many people’s navies at various times and navies of various countries. In the student dormitory, there was no quilt on the bed like a tofu block, instead the quilt was tiled in bed with a blanket over it. This is done in accordance with the requirements of the ship, even the laying of the bed is exactly the same as the ship. Into here as if into the ship’s cabin crew on the same. It reminds me of that song. ”The waves wave the warships gently, the young sailors, head on the waves, and the sweet smile in their sleep“. Here is the ”mother" of the Chinese battleship captain
买电动车的时候,我中意一款深棕色镶嵌白边的,老公却执意让我买那款亮黄色的:“这种颜色醒目,别人能看见你,骑着安全些。”  后来每每到傍晚或者晚上骑电动车,总是屡屡被老公提醒:“打开车灯。”  “还能看见路呢!有路灯啊!”  “不是让你看路,是让別人看见你,这样安全。”  让别人看见你,不失为生活的一种智慧。打开车灯,路人就可以远远地看见你,避让你。别人的避让,恰巧是给了你一条路。而在生活中,若要更
MIAOHOU Street was the most quiet and beautiful place in the county.A temple stood there whose gates and main palatial building had long since collapsed,leaving
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