目的通过对某炼焦工职业病鉴定案例的解析,了解炼焦行业苯对劳动者健康的影响,提出职业病防治建议。方法采取审阅鉴定资料、深入焦炉现场调查、听取双方当事人的陈述和向双方当事人问询相结合的综合分析鉴定法。结果某焦炉工有确切的苯接触史,多次职业健康检查发现白细胞多数低于4×109/L,中性粒细胞低于1.5×109/L,存在苯接触与临床表现间的必然联系。结论依据GBZ 68-2013《职业性苯中毒的诊断》标准,鉴定为职业性慢性中度苯中毒(中性粒细胞减少症)。
OBJECTIVE: To understand the effects of benzene on the health of workers in coking industry by analyzing the identification of occupational diseases in a coking worker, and to put forward suggestions on prevention and control of occupational diseases. Methods To review and appraise the information, in-depth investigation of coke ovens, listen to both parties’ statements and the comprehensive analysis and identification method combined with the inquiries of both parties. Results A coke oven worker had a definite history of exposure to benzene. Many occupational health examinations revealed that the majority of white blood cells were below 4 × 109 / L and the neutrophils were below 1.5 × 109 / L. There was a necessary relationship between benzene exposure and clinical manifestations . Conclusion According to GBZ 68-2013 “Diagnostic criteria of occupational benzene poisoning”, it is identified as occupational chronic moderate benzene poisoning (neutropenia).