压疮是临床护理工作中常见的重要并发症,其发生机制复杂,广泛存在于各科室,给患者带来较大影响。本文通过对目前我国压疮管理现状的分析发现,国际压疮护理管理理念和方法已经在我国部分医疗机构得到改进和应用,逐步形成适合我国的压疮防治规范。但是,由于我国各地医疗机构水平参差不齐,为提高全国整体压疮预防与治疗管理水平,还须制订统一的全国压疮护理标准。“,”Pressure ulcer is a common and important complication in clinical nursing. Its mechanism is complicated. Pressure ulcer widely exists in different departments of hospital and would greatly inlfuence patients. This paper summarized and analyzed the current situation of pressure ulcer management in China. The ideas and methods of pressure ulcer management from abroad had been applied in some medical institutions in China, and were modiifed in order to ift themselves. But due to the diversity of our medical institutions, we still need to formulate a uniifed nursing standard to improve the prevention and treatment management of pressure ulcer in our country.