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宋代陈襄《古灵先生文集》,今存绍兴年间赣州本和宋末元初福州本两种刻本。但各家书目多将后者误作前者,且在版本鉴定,描述版本特征,引用原书资料,判定《四库》底本及陈襄与陈辉、陈晔之关系方面存在诸多欠妥之处。本文对此逐一加以考辨。赣州本为现存最早、最善之本;福州本与《四库》本未为善本。 Chen Xiang, Song “Guling anthology,” now exist in Shaoxing, Fuzhou, Fuzhou and the end of the two carved books. However, most of the bibliographies mistaken the latter for the former, and there were many defects in the aspects of the version appraisal, the characterization of the version, the citation of the original book information, the determination of the base of the “Four Treasuries” and the relationship between Chen Xiang and Chen Hui and Chen Ye. This article examines each one by one. Ganzhou this is the earliest surviving, the most good of this; Fuzhou Ben and “Si Ku” is not a rare book.
<正> 艺术片电影剧本征文意味着新作者的出现,新题材的提出,以及这些题材将在电影艺术的多种多样的样式中得到表现。但很显然,中心的题材仍然应当是我们苏维埃社会的生活,中