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环境性是城市景观建筑形式的重要特征,应当研究建筑与环境的关系、建构适当的关联,完成形式表达。通常城市景观建筑与城市环境的关系分为隐构、同构、异构三种类型。隐构通过隐藏自身体量的方法,将对原有环境状态的改变降到最小;同构将景观建筑融入原有环境秩序,实现建筑与环境的和谐共生:异构指景观建筑通过自身对环境的超越来提升环境的景观品质,重塑整体环境特征。 Environmentalism is an important feature of urban landscape architectural forms. It is necessary to study the relationship between architecture and environment, construct proper connections and complete the formal expression. Usually the relationship between urban landscape architecture and urban environment is divided into hidden, isomorphic, heterogeneous three types. Hidden by the method of self-hidden body mass, will change the original state of the environment to a minimum; isomorphic landscape architecture into the original order of the environment and achieve the harmonious co-existence of architecture and the environment: Heterogeneous refers to the landscape architecture through its own environment Transcendence to enhance the quality of the environment landscape, reshape the overall environmental characteristics.
时间:二〇一四年六月$$ 地点:厦门大学$$ 1998年6月,美国第42任总统克林顿在北京大学发表演讲时说了一段话:$$ “从我在华盛顿特区所住的白宫往窗外眺望,我们首任总统乔