Support Vector Machines Modeling for Prediction

来源 :International Journal of Systems and Control | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sxlijx
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One of the problems still gaining a great attention in finance is the bankruptcy forecasts. The problem of efficient bankruptcy prognosis is of great interest both to scientists and practitioners. Recent studies have shown that machine learning techniques achieved better performance than traditional statistical ones. This paper applies support vector machines (SVM) to the bankruptcy prediction problem in an attempt to suggest a new model and classification with better explanatory power and stability. Carried out experiments have shown a very promising results of SVM for bankruptcy prediction in terms of predictive accuracy and adaptability. One of the problems still gaining a great attention in finance is the bankruptcy forecasts. The problem of efficient of bankruptcy prognosis is of great interest both to scientists and practitioners. Recent studies have shown that machine learning techniques achieving better performance than traditional statistical ones. This paper applies support vector machines (SVM) to the bankruptcy prediction problem in an attempt to suggest a new model and classification with better explanatory power and stability. Carried out experiments have shown a very promising results of SVM for bankruptcy prediction in terms of predictive accuracy and adaptability .
40拍品号作者3 杨缺人5 倪贻德6 美良8 潘玉良11 昊大羽作品名称港内女孩像渔父国书香采韵尺寸(cm)Z8 3×3853 6×4128×3737 3×45估价(人民币)3 5 4 5万元1 5—20万元9—1
“你……”罗力力不知该说什么好了,他看着面前这个时常欺负自己的男孩,被爸妈当心肝宝贝一样宠着,心中滋味百般。  “你家布置得不错。”王敬轩这句话听上去像是称赞,可是罗力力不知是不是对他免疫了,他说什么话,罗力力都觉得像是冷嘲热讽。  见罗力力一句话也不说,王敬轩轻蔑地笑了笑,也沉默了。就是这声笑,点燃了罗力力心中的万丈怒火,他怎么也想不通,究竟王敬轩的优越感来自何处。  可是还没等罗力力站起来发火
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